A few Seminole County Charter Amendments will be on the ballot across Seminole County, we suggest voting YES to protect our natural resources and infrastructure here in Seminole County, Florida. Details below.

Ballot Title

Referendum on Extension of Existing Infrastructure Sales Surtax
(Extension of Penny Sales Tax in Seminole County)

Ballot Summary
For the purpose of improving local schools, reducing traffic, improving parks and recreational opportunities, reducing flooding, purchasing environmentally sensitive lands, and improving public safety, shall Seminole County renew the existing one-cent sales surtax paid by visitors and residents until December 31, 2034 with all the dollars kept in Seminole County?

Voting "Yes" to renew the Seminole County Penny Sales Tax this November is an investment in our community. Since 1991, the tax, a one-cent addition on every dollar spent, has generated over $1.8 billion, funding our public schools, miles of new and reconstructed roadways, many sidewalks, and numerous intersection improvements, roadway drainage projects, stormwater projects, mast arm conversions, new signals, and countywide fiber-optic installations. The Florida Department of Revenue estimates that visitors, not residents, pay 20% to 30% of Penny Sales Tax funds. Read More

Ballot Title

Requiring Supermajority vote by County Commissioners to transfer or change the use of Natural Lands

Ballot Summary

Shall the Seminole County Charter be revised to require the vote of a Supermajority (i.e., a majority plus one) of the members of the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners in order to transfer or materially change the use or purpose of properties that are owned or managed by the County and that it has designated as “Natural Lands”?

A yes vote would make it more difficult for developers to gain controlling votes on the Seminole County Commission. Our current commission, while Republican, has protected our natural lands and the Rural Boundary.


Ballot Title

Requiring Supermajority vote by County Commissioners to remove property from the County’s Rural Area

Ballot Summary

Shall the Seminole County Charter be revised to require the vote of a Supermajority (i.e., a majority plus one) of the members of the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners in order to remove property from that portion of the County that is designated as “Rural Area”?

A yes vote would make it more difficult for developers to gain controlling votes on the Seminole County Commission. Our current commission, while Republican, has protected the Rural Boundary, which voters put into effect in 2004 to protect our environment and maintain natural lands here in Seminole County. While we recognize that housing density is important, there are other portions of the county outside of the boundary that are better suited for dense housing.

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