A few Seminole County Charter Amendments will be on the ballot across Seminole County, we suggest voting YES to protect our natural resources and infrastructure here in Seminole County, Florida. Details below.

Ballot Title

Extension of Penny Sales Tax in Seminole County

Ballot Summary

Details coming soon


Ballot Title

Requiring Supermajority vote by County Commissioners to transfer or change the use of Natural Lands

Ballot Summary

Shall the Seminole County Charter be revised to require the vote of a Supermajority (i.e., a majority plus one) of the members of the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners in order to transfer or materially change the use or purpose of properties that are owned or managed by the County and that it has designated as “Natural Lands”?



Ballot Title

Requiring Supermajority vote by County Commissioners to remove property from the County’s Rural Area

Ballot Summary

Shall the Seminole County Charter be revised to require the vote of a Supermajority (i.e., a majority plus one) of the members of the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners in order to remove property from that portion of the County that is designated as “Rural Area”?


September 9, 2024

September 4, 2024

August 23, 2024

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