Seminole County Democratic Party

As of 2021, Democrats have broken through in Seminole County.  There are now officially more registered Democrats than Republicans.  And there are other points of positive news in this.

While the state has made a big effort to cull people from the voting rolls - mostly deceased individuals and those who have moved, as well as people who have not voted for a number of successive elections (and Democrats have, for the most part, objected to this) - that means there has been a significant drop in the number of registered voters from age 71 on up, the group that skews most heavily Republican.

Another prominent feature to the data is that there are almost as many unaffiliated voters as there are Democrats in the cohort from 18 to 70, and more voters in this group than there are Republicans.  We can look at this as a great big wild card, or as an opportunity to flip as many of them as possible Democratic.  It would be helpful to figure out why members of this group have chosen to be unaffiliated.  Do they not want to share their political preferences, and if so, why?  Do they fear sharing that information for any reason? Or are they holding their options open?  Why do they prefer to remain unaffiliated, when declaring their affiliation enables them to vote in primaries?  This would all be helpful information for Democrats to have, to shape recruitment.

For now, let’s take some pleasure from the fact that we now live in a blue(ish) county, and work toward better Democratic enrollment ahead.

January 20, 2025

November 22, 2024

November 3, 2024

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