After facing much criticism for his slow response and reluctance to reveal the number of Floridians being tested, Republican Governor Ron DeSantis finally declared a statewide Public Health Emergency on March 2, 2020. Dr. Scott Rivkees, the Florida State Health Officer and Surgeon General, is directed to take “any action necessary to protect the public health”, and to follow the guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Democratic Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy (FL-7), responded to the governor’s slow reaction to the coronavirus: “Given the lack of information coming out of Tallahassee, I recently convened (sic) with experts to provide our central Florida community with accurate information about how to prepare and respond to the coronavirus. As a top tourist destination and home to many vulnerable seniors, Florida is uniquely at risk from the threat of this illness.”

Republican's Refusal to Expand Medicaid Affects Coronavirus Response 

The outbreak of the coronavirus on top of flu season is straining already underfunded and overworked public health agencies.

The Seminole County Public Health Department is on the front line of fighting the outbreak. Florida House Representative Joy Goff-Marcil (D-30) gave this statement on the state's response to the coronavirus: ”When we talk about healthcare in Florida, it’s important to note that for years the Florida Legislature has continually failed to expand Medicaid to the roughly one million Floridians left out of the program."

"When Floridians face public health events like the Coronavirus, we see the missed opportunity and public benefit of providing folks with access to affordable, quality healthcare," Rep. Goff-Marcil said. 

Florida’s entire state government has been controlled by a single party, the Republicans, for the last 20 years.


  • Floridians are urged to stay at home except for essential shopping, checking on elderly loved ones, or those under a doctor's care.
  • The corona virus is spread through tiny droplets expelled when you cough, talk, or sneeze. That is why social distancing, washing your hands, and avoiding touching your nose, mouth, or eyes is so important. 
  • Orange County residents have a curfew from 11pm to 5am; Seminole County does not yet have a curfew in place.
  • For more updated information:

The CDC Recommends the Following Preventative Tips:

• Avoid close contact with people who are sick. • Stay home when you are sick and avoid contact with persons in poor health. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or in the crook of your elbow. • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. • If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer with an alcohol content of at least 60 percent. • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces with household cleaning spray or wipe. • Medical masks should only be used by people who show symptoms and by healthcare workers, to prevent the spread of the disease to others.

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