Seminole County turned blue on Tuesday night for Joe Biden – the first time the County went blue in a Presidential Election since 1948! With 132,486 votes (50.67%) in Seminole going for Joe Biden and 125,217 votes (47.89%) going to Donald Trump, a difference of just 7,269 votes (2.78%), Seminole officially became labeled a Democratic County.

For reference, in 2016, Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in Seminole by a margin of just 3,654 votes (1.6%); 109,265 votes (48.7%) for Trump, 105,611 votes (47.1%) for Clinton. But 2018 indicated change was coming to Seminole voters selected Bill Nelson (D) and Andrew Gillum (D) over of Rick Scott (R) and Ron DeSantis (R).

The news of this historic flip travelled fast and several news outlet quickly picked up on the story. Watch the featured story on WESH 2 News. Although Seminole County went blue, Florida ultimately went red for Donald Trump, and at the time of publication, we are currently waiting to find out the official Presidential Election results.

Central Florida Election Results 2020

Additionally, here in Seminole County we were able to retain Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy to her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, and we also retained Representative Joy Goff-Marcil to the Florida House. Longtime SemDems member Jennifer Webb was elected to the Seminole County Soil and Water Commission, and local Democratic activist Chad Albritton was elected to the Casselberry City Commission.

Even with these wins, we took some very hard losses down ballot. Early data indicates that Republican-leaning voters in Seminole voted for Joe Biden, but then voted for Republicans for the local races. Other indications show that Democratic-leaning voters did not vote for any candidates as they continued down the ballot. The SemDems have requested the full data set from the Supervisor of Elections for further analysis. View 2020 Seminole Election Results

Despite the win for Biden and the most-robust voter outreach plan the Seminole County Democratic Party has ever seen, we still clearly have plenty of work to do. We will be digging in deeper to learn how to improve our efforts and get more Democrats elected down-ballot in the coming election cycles. View our calendar for upcoming events.

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This feedback form is anonymous. Future data and organizational planning sessions will be coming in December and January.

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