Join the Kick-off of SemDems Community Involvement Program

SemDems is coordinating with Seminole County Schools by participating in the Giving Tree program. Donations will go towards gift cards for school children. We are excited to kick off our first post-election community involvement program! We will be working closely with different community charities and hope to be able to share these events in-person and on a more personal level in the future.

If you are able, please make a donation to Seminole County School Children and make their Holiday season a little brighter! Donations may be through this ActBlue Link or gift cards maybe purchased form Target, Amazon or Wal-Mart and dropped off at the SemDems office, open Wednesdays 1-3 or email to coordinate.

As you know, local families have additional challenges this year and any help is appreciated.

September 7, 2024

September 4, 2024

August 23, 2024

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