Watch: Marco Rubio Gets Called Out For Not Showing Up To Support Hurricane Relief Funding 

After Marco Rubio failed to show up to vote for hurricane relief funding last week and then told Floridians he would consider voting against federal aid to help rebuild from Hurricane Ian, he’s getting called out for putting his political agenda ahead of what’s best for Florida. 

See below for more coverage of Rubio’s recent comments: 

Seminole County Democratic Party

CNN: Don Lemon Tonight

“Voters should really take a look at what their stances are…why Marco Rubio didn’t even show up. We know he has one of the worst records of showing up for work in the Senate. And not showing for a vote where your own constituents’ lives depend on it I think is something he should be held accountable for.”

Seminole County Democratic Party

WFLA: FLA. Senators Vote No On Hurricane Aid

“Two of Florida’s top lawmakers recently voted no on a bill that would provide more aid to hurricane victims. Senator Rick Scott voted against the bill while Marco Rubio decided not to show up for the vote on relief aid for Florida.”  

Seminole County Democratic Party

WPLG: Rubio, Scott Vote Against FEMA Funds 

“Florida Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott calling for federal relief funds in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, however neither voted for a bill that would fund relief efforts to help Florida after the storm.”  

Seminole County Democratic Party

Fox13: Good Day

“On Thursday, Scott and Rubio both refused to vote in favor of a spending bill. It included about $18.8 billion in additional funding for FEMA to respond to Hurricane Ian and future disasters. Senator Scott voted against it while Senator Rubio didn’t vote at all.

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