Florida Legislative Updates - Take Action

Top Priority Opposition — Election Changes Legislation

(Senate Bill 90 + House Bill 7041)The 44-page bill, HB 7041, that is filled with changes to the state elections continues to be one of our highest priorities even as it has not yet been scheduled for another hearing. SB 90 has also not been scheduled to be heard in it's final committee.  We absolutely must do everything we can to educate the public on these attempts to suppress the vote. 

Action Item: Call your Legislators: League of Women Voter's talking points

Top Priority Opposition — Anti-Protest Legislation

(House Bill 1/Senate Bill 484)

The House of Representatives has passed HB 1: the un-American anti-protest bill. The House debated HB 1 for 6 hours on Friday before it came to a vote. Around the state this issue is not looked at favorably. A statewide poll found that people are not in favor of implementing HB 1 and that it is considered harmful. The Senate has yet to hear its version of this bill in a committee. 

Action: Call Jason Brodeur  to oppose this bill!

Contact: Email this Senator

District-Lake Mary Office (407) 333-1802

Tallahassee Office (850) 487-5009

Reproductive Rights Legislation

House Bill 241 - Parental Rights

House Bill 241 was heard in the Education & Employment Committee on March 24th, it passed on a party line vote. This bill would prevent young people from receiving the essential services they need, including wellness exams and reproductive health care. This would make our young people less healthy and less safe. HB 241 is sent to 3rd reading.

Action: Call your State Representative to oppose this bill!

Senate Joint Resolution 1238 - Percentage of Elector Votes Required to Approve an Amendment or a Revision

SJR 1238 was heard in the Ethics and Elections committee on March 29th, the League of Women Voters testified in opposition. SJR 1238 is attempting to change the percentage of elector votes required to approve an amendment or a revision to our state constitution from 60% to 66 and 2/3%.

Florida's constitutional amendments are already subject to the most difficult approval process in the nation, this only furthers the challenges for a citizen-led initiative (or any initiative) to pass. This bill is a blatant attempt to limit power of those who seek change outside of our gridlocked state legislature. If passed, since the bill is a joint resolution, this proposal will be put on the ballot during the next general election and require an extraordinary education effort from the League.

If the 66 and 2/3% requirement was in place in the past decade the following notable proposals would have failed:

2010: Fair district mandate

2018: Restoration of the right to vote for most people with prior felony convictions upon completion of their sentences

2020: Minimum wage increase

The bill now awaits a hearing in the Rules committee.

Action: Contact Rules Committee

Need help locating you representative for contact information Click here

Source: League of Women Voters Website 

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