Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Trumpiest of them all

      Governor DeSantis has some competition for the title of “Trumpiest politician in the state of Florida”.  Along with U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-District 1)  there’s Fl. Rep. Anthony Sabatini (R-District 32) of Lake County who has filed sixteen bills so far for the upcoming legislative session, most of which are obviously there to appeal to the Trump base.  Here are some of the most egregious ones:

HM23 asks congress to repeal section 230 of the Communications Decency act which protects social media sites from liability if they remove “offensive material”.

HB29 renames U.S. 27 in Florida as the “Donald Trump Highway”.

HB75 prohibits mask and vaccine mandates.

HB99 calls for a forensic audit of the 2022 election.

HB103 allows a person to carry a concealed weapon without a license.

HB133 prohibits state or local law enforcement from cooperating with the U.S. Capitol Police.

HB211 prohibits health care providers from assisting a minor who is transitioning in their sexual identity.

HM231 asks congress to complete the “border wall” and impose a total immigration moratorium.

HB6007 allows the carrying of firearms on college or university campuses.

HB6009 removes the authority of the state health officer to order vaccines in a public health emergency.

HB6013 removes from law those firearm restrictions passed after the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas H.S. mass shooting.

HB6055 removes out-of-state fee waivers for undocumented students who attend college or university in Florida

Representative Sabatini wants to move up.  He originally said he would run for congress against our own Stephanie Murphy, but now plans to run against Daniel Webster in congressional district 11.  With redistricting coming up, there is no telling where he may end up.  He is worth keeping an eye on.

To contact Rep. Sabatini or read the full text of the above bills click here: https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Representatives/details.aspx?MemberId=4725&LegislativeTermId=89&sui=kf/tIb4LiWQ=-

To contact your legislator regarding any of the bills:

FL House -  - https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/FindYourRepresentative 

FL Senate - https://www.flsenate.gov/Senators/Find

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