hand out voter guides

Hand Out Voter Guides
Help us get the word out about our candidates by handing out SemDems Voter Guides at Early Voting locations. Materials and information will be provided. 2 hour shifts now available. Sign up via the link below for locations and to get your spot!

Seminole County Democratic Party

Sign up to phone or text bank!
This means you make calls or texts from the comfort of your home or from the SemDems office to help sway voters and get them to the polls. Sign up for a virtual training class if you haven't participated in phonebanking before. Already know how to phone bank? Sign up to get started!

Seminole County Democratic Party


It's not over until it's over! Recount volunteers are needed for the days after the elections.  The hand recounts may be at the Supervisor of Elections office 1500 E Airport Blvd. Sanford.
Hand recounts are done when the margin of victory is less that or equal to 0.25 percent. You will be inspecting any ballots that were thrown out of the voting machine because of extra marks or unclear marks. Please sign up if you can be available any days between November 5th and 15th times estimated 9 AM to 5 PM.