Congratulations to our incoming Seminole County Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) Officials who were voted in on Thursday night!

Chair: Brittany Nethers*
State Committeewoman: Christina Miner
State Committeeman: Jeffery Wilkinson
Vice Chair: Daniel Siciliano*
Treasurer: Jorge Londono
Secretary: Nadia Ahmad
Parliamentarian: Patrick Westerfield

*Two of these officers (Chair and Vice Chair) have each expressed their intent to resign and open up the positions to more Seminole County Democrats, including previous 2020 candidates, who would have otherwise not been eligible. As a result, a special election will be held. Election expected to be held at the January 14, 2021 SemDems Virtual Meeting at 7 PM.

We also want to sincerely thank our outgoing officers from the last election cycle. We appreciate all you have done for our Party and we will continue to build on what you have started! #SemDems

Ready to Become a Voting Member?
If you are interested in becoming a voting member, please complete the Precinct Captain Application Form and we will provide more information, check the availability in your Precinct, and begin the short required process.

Precinct Captains are a vital part of the Democratic Party! They are the people power behind the scenes, as well as the front-facing voter outreach teams in their communities. As official Democratic Party representatives, they help get Democrats elected up and down the ballot.

Please email with any questions you may have about becoming a Precinct Captain.

January 20, 2025

November 22, 2024

November 3, 2024

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